Giovanni Olguin

¿Cómo encontrar la felicidad?

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¿Cómo encontrar la felicidad?

Te comparto un video que vale la pena verlo de inicio a fin, si bien hay una parte específica que me gustó mucho, la historia que nos cuenta Alexis Panos en esta entrevista para Women Of Impact es desgarradora y a la vez inspiradora para muchas personas, en especial, mujeres que han sufrido de estos reprobables y desafortunados episodios en sus vidas.

Aquí te dejo mis notas:

Courage – Resilience – Faith – Strength

Mastery one or two things at a time that can reflect in your life, in your lifestyle, speak through the experience, to the living those concepts. Your life must to be a reflection of that.

Taking one concept from one chapter try on for at lease a week until you’re living it.

Have a deep amazing relationship with failure. Failure is a sign that we are in action, we’re moving along.

Failure is feedback, that feedback gets you to your destination smarter and faster and more eloquently and with more ease and grace because you learn something along the way, so expect failure and expect that it will happen again and again and again at each and every stage and they only get bigger because the stakes get bigger.

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